This is how we do it:

Get your SwapShop store started

Step 1: Free registration and data space

Your first data space for 3 ads is for free! For running multiple advertisements simultaneously a bigger store is required. Therefore, a size fee is required where you have to pay €10 for an upgrade to your store size with 3 ads. This space wil become yours. If your membership expires the ads will go to ‘archive’ and the shop will close. When you reactivate your membership, you’ll be able to republish all the ads.

Make your shop the size you want!


Step 2: Membership plan

Membership is required to keep your store up and running. Without a valid membership your adds will be disabled, so make sure you have an active membership all the time! For now we only have a 100% FREE membership. We want to keep this website free as long as possible


Step 3: Make your first add, direct online!

We don’t use a admin filter before publishing . Balloonist are smart people! Together it’s our responsibility to keep this Swap Shop nice and clean. If you see something strange, please contact us.

Start your shop today